Milestones of Science - Masterpieces of Art

in Zwinger

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Raum unter anderem mit Teleskopen und Scheiben, die Licht bündeln
Please note that due to construction work in the Zwinger, the Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon is only accessible via Kronentor until 17 April 2025 and unfortunately does not have barrier-free access. The exhibition area ‘The Course of Time’ also remains closed until June 2025 due to construction work. To the map


Without thinking twice, we glance at our watch or phone, navigate from A to B using our GPS or google the weather. What today are smartphones, iPads and laptops were, just under three hundred years ago, telescopes, pocket watches and orreries. August the Strong collected the high-tech inventions of his time and brought them together in the Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon.

International Pi Day

14.3.2021 is international "Pi Day", which celebrates the circular number Pi π. The date goes back to the US date format 3/14, which are also the first three digits of π: 3.14. The Mathematisch-Physikalische Salon congratulates and shows three objects from its collection in short clips, each 3.14 minutes long, which have a special relation to π due to their circular shape.

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Pi-Tag im Mathematisch-Physikalischen Salon Dresden

Current Program

Available at the app store

Behind the stars

Come with us BEHIND THE STARS and you'll see how – on your own or in a group. Four astronomical instruments await you on this journey. They come from one of the oldest museums in the world: the Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon in Dresden, Germany.

To the app


reich verzierte, goldene Uhr mit mehreren Ziffernblättern
Eberhard Baldewein et al., Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon
aufgeklappte Taschenuhr mit acht Ziffernblättern
Globus mit detaillierten Zeichnungen, auf einem Gestell
große, gewölbte Scheibe auf einem Gestell
mit Blumen verziertes Teleskop
Spitz zulaufender Uhrenturm, extrem detaillierte Kampfszenen darauf
Globus auf Gestell auf Sockel, zwischen Gestell und Sockel zweiter, kleinerer Globus
Ziffernblatt auf Ständer, mit einer Art Platte daran, alles reich verziert
grinsender, stehender Bär trommelt auf einer Trommel, hat Uhr am Hals
große Scheibe, mittig Erdkreis umringt von römischen Ziffern, drumherum extrem viele kleine Ziffernblätter
Objekt mit zwei Ziffernblättern
Quaderförmige Maschine mit Wählscheiben und dazugehörigen Zahleneinheiten

The Presentation

It is the oldest museum in the famous Baroque complex of the Dresden Zwinger and now has a completely redesigned exhibition showing an array of devices used over past centuries for measuring the world.

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The Saxon Greenwich

It was also August the Strong who, in 1728, established the »Royal Cabinet of Mathematical and Physical Instruments« as an independent museum in the Zwinger. Shortly afterwards, the first inventory was produced. In 1746 the museum was given the name it still bears today. 

History of the Collection 

Vitrine mit physikalischen Instrumenten

From our Online Collection

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